Welcome back to a new foodie adventure!
This week has been a busy one full of lots and lots and lots of work
a long with a wonderful visit from some friends from Hong Kong and so we were visiting about and munching away whenever we could haha!
Because of this packed scheduled I actually forgot about our foodie adventure until a day ago!
Luckily I remembered in time and HAZZAH!
I present to you...
Following The Biscuit Trail!
~ Enjoy ~
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I hope you enjoyed the little foodie fun!
It is a little short and I making this waaaaay past midnight so I apologise if there is loads of mistakes a long with sections that make no sense
I will correct it all once I have slept up my sleep and flick through the pages in my crazy little brain haha
But for now I hope you enjoyed it and that it gave you a wonderful foodie adventure like always ^^
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You're probably thinking that since I suddenly remembered that I needed to make a foodie adventure...
where did I get the BN Biscuits from?
That is easy... It was actually sitting in my candy corner,
and while I was making the foodie adventure and thinking what to add to it, I got a bit hungry and picked up the pack of biscuits and omnomnomed away!
It was while I was eating that I realised...
And before I actually ate them all and grouped the remaining biscuit and took a picture and then continued to nome away haha
Of course they didn't last very long thanks to my sugary cravings
so once I actually finished them I was indeed craving for more but since it was way way waaaaaaaaay past midnight and not shops where open...
I sat and sulked and edited away on Photoshop haha.
Therefore when you buy a pack of BN Chocolate Biscuits and you love chocolate... you will be addicted to them!
I remembered when they used to be the only chocolate biscuit that I would eat because of the soft and creamy centre,
but at a certain time I hadn't seen them so I actually thought they didn't sell them any more, at the time they that didn't effect me.
It wasn't until as of lately that I suddenly started singing their advert song again and was beginning to crave them again and
suddenly when shopping at Tesco's I noticed them right at the very bottom on the shelve and was so excited!
After seeing that I over stocked the trolley with them but as you can see I have been over munching on them and now I have no more left >.<
But I must say it is nice to relive a childish foodie moment when eating a BN chocolate biscuit,
so come on and give them a try!
Bring out the childish side of you 8D
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Thank you
visiting and reading!
I really hope that you enjoyed your read
again thank you for your support!
I shall keep up my foodie goal and bring you more foodie adventures!
But for now...
Until next time!
See you all next Monday for a new foodie adventure!
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